Saturday, August 26, 2006

The New Job - Philosophy Professor!

On Monday, 27 August 06, I start teaching three sections of "Introduction to Philosophy" at Tarrant County College. It should be great teaching experience, and I am looking forward to meeting my new students!

I am teaching part-time, as I finish my thesis for the LL.M. at Cardiff University. Both the thesis, and my grades for the semester, are due on 15 December 06!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Eagle Has Landed!

This has been a good week, as we have been packing and visiting with friends as we prepared to move. We had a chance to visit with Patricia Mejia, have lunch with Bro. Ed Violett, and dinner with Kathleen Maloney and Camille Langston (pictured above with Rose Marie Cutting and Mary Lynne).

Mary Lynne had lunch with Diane Gonzales Bertrand, I had breakfast with Rey Gustamente, and we both had a chance to visit with Alice Kersnowski, who has been a wealth of information about Ireland.

I also had a chance on Wednesday to visit Brad and Ashley Jackson, and meet their new son, Matthew. He was born on Monday, 14 Aug 06, and weighed in at 8 lb.s 15 oz., and mother and son are doing well. Migdalia Garcia and I gave Ashley some flowers, and little "AJ" played with their three-year-old daughter, Morgan.

We drove on Thursday, 17 Aug 06, and almost as if to prove that you cannot leave St. Mary's behind, we ran into Dr. Patricia Owen (Chair, Psychology) when we stopped at the Post Office to change our address, and we ran into Deidra Coleman (Associate Director, Counseling & Testing) when we stopped in Temple, Texas at the McDonald's!
Small world!

Well, after our first night at the farm, I was back down the next day with my dad and brother in tow, as we packed up a 26' truck with furniture and appliances. We drove down Friday morning, packed the truck that afternoon, and drove back to the farm in Ft. Worth that night! Ouch!

We still have a few things at the house, but for now, we are trying to unpack and square-away what we have here. As we were unpacking, the cows came up to the door! No kidding, two GIANT longhorns came right up on the porch and looked in the windows! "AJ" loved it...and now we know why they call it "Cow Town!"

More moving news later!