Friday, June 05, 2009

Scot-Irish History: Part I in Scotland

About The Gathering 2009

The Gathering 2009 is a celebration of the culture and history of Scotland.

The two-day event on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th July will be the greatest international clan gathering the world has ever seen, and the largest Highland Games to have been held in Scotland.

This unique event is a chance for Scots everywhere to celebrate their roots and one of Scotland's greatest traditions, Highland Games, as well as an opportunity to thank the clan associations and Scottish societies from around the world for their role in keeping these traditions alive.

The Gathering 2009 Ltd was setup in February 2007 and has received public funding from EventScotland, City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian. This was granted on the basis that the event would provide a 18:1 return on investment to Scotland as a whole.

The Gathering 2009 is a signature event of Homecoming Scotland 2009, a year-long government initiative aimed at encouraging those with a passion or connection with Scotland to come home.

For many years Scotland has witnessed a decline in the popularity of Highland Games and a near extinction of clan activity. However, the opposite is true in some countries, especially in North America, where clan membership exceeds 100,000 and over 300 Highland Games and festivals are held annually.

Over the past few years there has been an overall strengthening of national identity within Scotland. This has provided an ideal environment in which to celebrate the contribution that the clans and their descendants have made to maintaining national traditions.

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